After intermediate, the enrollment in the university for graduation is highly important for the students. They have to choose the university, degree program and have to spend time and money.

Due to high stream of students, many of the universities have started the programs without getting accreditation from respective authorities or councils. Every university, along with its all programs with each and every batch needs to be accredited. Institutions have indulged in money making by offering extra admissions without fulfilling the requirements.

HEC has issued a public notice to deal with this issue. The students and parents must have to ensure that the university and the degree program being offered is accredited by the respective councils.

Before taking admission, you must contact to the professional councils to ensure that the university and the program where you are going to take admission don’t has a dodgy status.

List of 9 Professional Councils and 4 HEC established Accreditation Councils is being given below.

List of Professional Councils in Pakistan:

  • Pakistan Engineering Council
  • Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
  • Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council
  • Pakistan Nursing Council
  • Pakistan Council for Architects and Town Planners
  • Pharmacy Council of Pakistan
  • Pakistan Bar Council
  • National Council for Homeopathy
  • National Council for Tibb

List of Accreditation Councils Established by HEC in Pakistan:

  • National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council
  • National Business Education Accreditation Council
  • National Computing Education Accreditation Council
  • National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education


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