Its February and the love birds are already chiming to set a date on the lovers-day, what we call is a Valentine Day. Although, the day is not any public holiday and no social reverence is seen but this is still one of the most celebrated day.

Many of the friends long wait for this day to upgrade their relation and many other try their luck by proposing their crushes. Although, the results are not 100 percent but the success rate is enough to oblige the lovers to celebrate this day.

The day is not a warmth one in typical Pakistan scenarios but in urban areas the day has become quite popular especially among the new generations, whereas many have excuses saying that we can’t restrict our love only for a day, we have all the day as love is allover us. Even though, you don’t need to be upset as this is their opinion and you should be going on with what you find correct.

We have brought a video for you, in which the glamour VJ Mathira is giving a top tip for the people going on their first date. The video is of around 40 seconds but it tells how you should be while out for a date.

This video by the sizzling Mathira can be regarded as  a guide video for the young-lovers, although this video is not a latest one but yet is availed here for you as a valentine special.

Especially, for the girls who are often confused about what to wear should must see the video, as the sultry actress have also suggested the right way to captivate your partner without getting out of any limit.

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