The ban on drug abuse is something which has never been opposed seriously ever. Most of the people infect majority on the planet agrees that such substances should be banned and their availability to young people should be highly restricted. Recently an artist Leonewin from a museum, museum of old and new art MONA is under the heat since he suggested that marijuana should be allowed for educational purposes specifically to the teenagers so that they could tap into their hidden creativity. He further defended himself by saying

“Basically what I’m proposing is the idea of using performance-enhancing drugs in education,”

He further added “We already prescribe amphetamine-like medication for focus and docility. What if we medicated for creativity?”

He himself is a multimedia artist and according to him these substances “open the mind to greater creativity and lateral thought.“What genius could be nurtured, if not unleashed in such circumstances? What a transformational experience!”


Apparently he is well aware of the ridiculousness of his proposal and he thinks that a community awareness must be developed before moving further. For him not every teenager should be allowed but some mental screening about health and creativity level must be performed to allow the usage of marijuana / charas. The museum official do not completely agree with him but they have not abandoned him either. An official from MONA said

“We don’t necessarily agree with this idea, but we love that it’s brave and creative, and in order for seismic change, we’ll need to think big and be open to provocative ideas,”


Though they may be okay but Ronnie Voight from Drug Education network has very strict words also charas side effects.

“(It) doesn’t sit well with anyone who understands child development and how young people develop, and their capacity to think and to explore and to create really good skills as they grow older,” Voight said in her interview to ABC network.


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