United Kingdom has devised a new student visa policy for Pakistani students. The reasons behind new policy are fake applications with fake documents and other type of scams during a period of last 2-3 years. UK Government has advised students to avoid such agents who are involved in other than legal methods. Misguiding the students by the agents has been the key reason behind all this trouble. Mandy Ivemy, the regional manager for visas and immigrations, revealed facts those were shocking enough while talking to a press conference held at British Deputy High Commission.

Mandy Ivemy revealed that around 16,000 applications for student visas from Pakistan were received during the year 2012. UK Government issued visas to around 68% of these applicants and around 3000 of these applicants had fake documentation.

This is a huge number of scammers and it is a disgrace that our country does not have a system to scan these scammers who are causing a lot of trouble to all others.

Ivemy disclosed that now the policy has been adapted and if anyone is found applying with fake documentation, a ban of 10 years will be imposed on him/her and they will not be allowed to enter UK during this period.

Visa process takes around 2-3 weeks but most of the students start to panic. She advised students to stay calm and let the process complete before they start to enquire about the visa application progress. According to Ivemy, overstay is another major problem for UK as far as Pakistani students are concerned. After their student visa reaches the expiry date, most of the Pakistani students do not return to their homeland. Ivemy told that other than deportation, they don’t have any other choice in this case.

In order to discourage the overstay trend by Pakistani students, Financial bond system will be introduced for Pakistani students. Students will have to pay surety bonds which will determine that they will return to their homeland just in time.

The post UK new study visa policies for Pakistani Students first appeared on Web.pk.