After several other banks, Tameer Bank was also hacked last night. Tameer Bank is operated by Telenor Pakistan and it is hacked by the same hacker known as “Xploiter” who has been quite busy this past week. “Xploiter” has hacked and defaced over 4 banks in the last week alone.

This is quite amazing to notice that all the major banks have been hacked during the past week and a warning has been sent that asked the banks to strengthen the security of their websites, but yet none of the banks listened to the warnings and got hacked.

Hacking of Tameer Bank isn’t a small issue. EasyPaisa which is the country’s largest branchless banking system is being operated in collaboration by both Telenor Pakistan and Tameer Bank. Many people rely heavily on EasyPaisa service on daily basis.

Banks are hit by “Xploiter” and these organizations might be considering this hacker an enemy of them, but it is important to know that “Xploiter” has been positive till yet and he hasn’t tried to take benefit out of the hacked websites. He hacked, defaced and issued warnings to the banks which is a positive thing because banks need to be secure and trust of the public in online banking system must be retained.

This is the message of “Xploiter” on Tameer Bank website while defacing their website.

You Didn’t Got Lesson after PKNIC , Soneri Bank and Habib Bank , Allied bank , MCB ‘s infrastructure was Hacked ?

Yesterday i got a News Cyber Act gonna be pass in National Assembly But There Must be a Law for Website developement Cyber Act Going to be Passed Next Month! But There Must be a Law for websites Construction Same Like Building’s Construction.

Poorly Coded Pakistani Websites should not be passed to Be Published, Same Like poorly constructed houses are not passed You Know what I mean, If you add it to your Cyber Act 90% of your Cyber Space will be Secured ! Think

Secured Pakistani Cyber Space Zindabad ! !
Senior Pakistani Hackers Were Here :.


Here is a screenshot of the defaced Tameer Bank website.

Tameer Bank Hacked by Xploiter

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