Calling in low rates is the first demand of a mobile user these days. Mobile companies that do not offer good call rates suffer a lot, as mobile users reject those networks at once; so to avoid such bad luck mobile companies keep introducing latest call offers. Telenor also has some exciting call packages for its subscriber to enjoy, here is a list of them for the users to compare and choose the best suiting them.
Telenor has two tariffs:

  • Talkshawk
  • Djuice

Telenor Talkshawk is best for calling other networks and telenor numbers other than FNF, while Djuice is the best offer for all those who want to stay connected to their Kin and Companions (FNF) all the time.

Telenor Talkshawk Call Packages:

The main telenor talkshawk packages are five in number, called as:
Talkshawk A1”, “Talkshawk Har Second”, “ Talkshawk 30 Second”, “Talkshawk Har Minute” and “Talkshawk 63”.

  1. Talkshawk A1 package offers to talk in Rs 1 to all telenor numbers, while for other mobile networks it charges Rs. 1.4/ minute.
  2. Talkshawk Har Second charges 5, 4, or 3 paisa per second to all other networks, telenor users and FNF respectively.
  3. Talkshawk 30 second is the third offer that charges Rs. 0.75/30 second to all telenor and other networks but for friend and family it charges reduces to Rs. 0.45/30 seconds.
  4. Telenor Har Minute charges Rs. 2 /minute to all networks including telenor itself, while for FNF charges are Rs. 1/minute.
  5. In Telenor Talkshawk 63 charges are the same for all i.e. Rs. 0.63/30 seconds.

Telenor Djuice Call Packages:

Telenor djuice is the most suitable package for all the friend and family callers. It has many exciting offers both for calling and Messaging daily or weekly, like

  • Djuice Bolty Jao
  • Djuice Khamoshi Tor

Djuice bolty Jao:
It is an hourly package, which means you can call to your friend and family number in Rs 2 plus tax per hour. Subscription charges are Rs.7 plus tax.
Djuice One plan:
Djuice one plan is comparatively expensive plan in which subscription charges are Rs. 10 plus tax and for calling FNF per hour Rs. 2.4 plus tax will be cut.
Khamoshi tor/free call package:
Khamoshi tor is also divided into two further categories called

  • Daily Package
  • Weekly Package

Daily Package:
Daily Package cuts Rs. 2 plus tax for subscription and after it users are enable to make calls to FNF in Rs. 1.50 plus tax/hour. This offer is not valid from 6-10pm.
Weekly Package:
Weekly package is a limited time offer, it charges Rs. 7 plus tax and allows calling per hour at a low rate of Rs. 1.60 plus tax.

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