Once again Imran Khan’s PTI showed courage to stand against the unjustified act of drone attacks on Pakistan. To protest against those deadly drone attacks Imran khan collected most the
political parties at same platform to send message to the world that drone attacks are unjustified and has claimed lives of many innocent people and has destroyed the peace and economy of
of KPK and Pakistan.

In protest big personalities of the PTI and other parties condemned the drone strikes. The leader of Awami Muslim League Sheikh Rasheed criticised the current government
of Pakistan and said that policies of Mr. Prime minister are just to create a more weak Pakistan he further said that policies of Mr. Nawaz Sharif are making India to be more aggressive
towards Pakistan and is making the Army of Pakistan weak day by day. Sheikh Rasheed asserted that how can a prime minister think for his country when he visits his own country seldom?
He said that Nawaz Sharif doesn’t know what the price of tomato in Pakistan and how a poor man can afford it the only thing that Mr. prime minister knows is to visit other countries.

Makhdom Javed Hashmi also condemned the drone strikes on Pakistan and said it does no harm to anyone but Pakistan and its people he further said that its time for us to stand against it before
its too late. Another big name in Pakistan politics Shah Mahmood Quershi also interacted with the thousands of protesters and said that drone attacks are the biggest problem for Pakistan
and it is creating ciaos in Pakistan so drones should be condemned.

In the end Mr.Imran Khan chairman PTI came and said that they wont let a single truck of NATO supply to cross KPK and
reach Afghanistan he said now enough is enough no more NATO supplies to cross KPK and said that their protest will continue through out Pakistan and will only stop when the drone attacks
on Pakistan are stopped. Its very brave of IK as standing against the drone attacks takes a lots of courage. Many other political leaders condemned the drone attacks in Pakistan but only
in words but Imran Khan is the one who took action against it. Lets pray and hope that this step of I.K’s PTI proves fruitful and becomes source of stopping drone attacks.

The post PTI Dharna Against Drone Attacks on 23rd November 2013 first appeared on Web.pk.