Pakistan Muslim league Noon is facing problems on a daily basis whether it’s their top leadership or their members, something terrible is happening for them now and then.
Today during the hearing of dual nationality case of two Muslim league Noon members Supreme Court gave the decision against them and disqualified them from their seats as both the members had dual nationality. It’s worth mentioning here that one of the disqualified members is Sadia Abbasi, sister of Shahid Khaqab Abbasi who is Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan and the other disqualified member is Senator Haroon Akhtar.
Supreme Court ordered Election commission to rearrange elections in the constituency of the disqualified members. It’s a shame that a lot of money will be wasted due to ignorance of these members as it will take a massive amount of money for rearranging the elections. These members knew they have dual nationality contested in elections and ruined the wealth of the common man.
Still, it’s not decided that these members are banned for the lifetime or a shorter period.
Things are not going in favour of PMLN as too their party is going through an extreme crisis. Their leaders are going to jails ever now and then. Their members are disqualified for the lifetime and short-term basis. New Pandora boxes of corruption against them are opening every day it seems everything is turning upside down on this party. Still, the case of Model town hasn’t been decided, and that can be the last nail in the coffin as it can come up with disastrous results for the party.
The date of by-elections for these two seats will be notified in a few days.

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