You are young and peppy but alone. Want to make sizzling and beautiful friends,then what are you waiting for …We are here to meet your desire.Numbers of school, college and university Girls are available  at very humble prize. Our contact number is……######!

An ad in the C class evening newspaper (Shaam ka Akhbar)

One of Circulated fake pic
One of Circulated fake pic on net

Cellular Phone is one of most used or abused bounty of modern science in Pakistan. Impetuous youth of  Pakistan are enjoying the dream time.Cheap mobile packages and inexpensive mobile phones. Parents have no objection, they want to remain in touch with their children due to unstable situation of the country any mishap can happen at any moment.So the question of  having a self phone in a unsuitable time is out of the equation.The cellular phone made life easier,there is no doubt about that.From Vendor to CEO of multinational farm using cellular phones.

If Mobile phones made life easier for every one than why i am wasting my words .The answer is plain  you cannot understand how it is annoying  and horrible to receive SMS and calls from unknown numbers offering  you friendship generously.If you are a female I can bet on it, definitely you came across of this experience. The unknown self  willing candidate will  be very kind to you .The anonymous candidate of  so called friendship will SMS you frequently (alas cheap SMS packages). Only good luck can rescue you from this cellular eve teasing.
Mostly these numbers are leak out from easy load shops.Your private numbers can be sold out between 10 to 100 rupees.From there these numbers will be available on any number provider agency (ironically naming).

Is there any way out of this irritating  friendship offers. For sure there is one Government should kick out the mobile companies from the country.Ooh it is not possible it will increase the unemployment rate. The solution of this cellular eve teasing is that government should include the ethics of self phones use in the courses .Parents should ask them not to annoy anyone if he/she is not willing to be your friend…….!

Please DO NOT post your mobile numbers in this post. Read post first…!