The result of last general elections has made Pakistan Tehreek Insaf the ruling party of Pakistan. One of the main drivers of its economic policy includes to earn revenue by increasing tourism in Pakistan as Pakistan has a lot of sites which are considered to be good attraction points for tourists i.e Northern areas of Pakistan including Gilgit Baltistan, swat, and Chitral, etc. The main road that makes easier for tourists to reach these points is a motorway. As it helps them to reach on these places rapidly, efficiently and quickly. This route is equipped with many facilities but unfortunately very few for special or physically challenged people.

Recently Federal Government has decided to add a feather in its cap by increasing facilities for those physically challenged people which includes building washrooms as per the need of disabled people, building ramps so that people on wheelchairs will be able to move easily, providing wheelchair facility to special people on motels situated on the motorway. These facilities will not only help and encourage physically challenged people but also elderly people to overcome their fear of lack of facilities on their way to visit the beautiful places of Pakistan.

Apart from tourism, this initiative will also help travelers from traveling from one city to another as motorway connects many cities and thousands of people travel on these routes daily for multiple purposes. This initiative has been welcomed by the general public and they said this will make travel from motorway more safe and easy as it will help people to travel with their families with less hustle and bustle and will allow motorway to earn more revenue through tool tax ultimately it will contribute more to the economy to helping Pakistan in a more better way. This initiative is considered to be a landmark project for many other projects to come in years to improve motorway routes.

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