After the fat Telethon of Ehsas Program where Maulana Tariq Jameel sb was invited to make dua because the nation praise his words and prays, journalists have begun insulting the scholar and Islamic celebrity for calling media “liars” and immodestly dressed women as the cause of the pandemic even though Mulana made an apology on Friday, April 24, in the show of Muhammad Malick.

In the talk show, Breaking Point with Malick, the renowned scholar said that human is statues of mistakes and he apologized to all people to who he hurt on Thursday. He apologized to Hamid Mir, Muhammad Malick, Mazhar Abbas, and scholars of the Islamic Council for what he said on Thursday when the show was started.

TV presenter, Hamid Mir thanked him for making an apology but asked him to tell the name of the channel that asked him for advice and said that twisting of facts will remain in media houses. However, Maulana said sorry for being unable to tell the name because it would be backbiting and then apologized again for what he said in Dua.

Mulana said that he said sorry to Javed Chaudhary and Kamran Shahid on Thursday after taking out their numbers. The scholar said that he called Hamid Mir as well but he might be busy.

The host of the show asked him about women that women tweeted on Twitter that some scholars said that Pakistan is the cave of Islam and Maulana Tariq Jameel says that there is immodesty so what kind of immodesty is there in Pakistan that whole nation is paying the price?

Maulana sahab answered that the personalities, on the show, know it well what kind of clothes girls and women have been wearing in advertisements. Hamid Mir asked him further what he would say about female TV artists whom he call his daughters and doing immodest things and why his words are not influencing them. Mr. Jameel said that Allah could influence people, he could work hard and say them.

Hamid Mir tried to say something more but Mr. Malick interrupted and said that it is good that the scholar asked for forgives at the beginning of the show.

Since the Telethon, the nation has been talking about Maulana Tariq Jameel. The majority of celebrities supported him and commented positively about him.

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