Each and every country has its some national honors like the national anthem, the national bird, national dress, national animal, etc. Like all other countries, our beloved country Pakistan also has its specific national honors.

National Dress of Pakistan National Dress of Pakistan is Shalwar Kameez.The national bird is Chukar, the national animal is Markhor. National Food is Nihari, and above all National Anthem is Pak Sir Zameen. These national honors are always the pride of the nation and every person of the nation respects and honors the dignity of the national things.

In Pakistan, recently Government has declared a poll on Instagram to know the favorite drink of Pakistanis. The ultimate reason was to decide the national drink of Pakistan. There were three options in Poll:
  1. Sugarcane Juice
  2. Orange Juice
  3. Carrot Juice

In the Poll, 7616 people participated. Among these, 81 percent people stated that the Sugarcane drink as their favorite, 15 percent people selected orange juice and 4 percent people selected carrot Juice. Based on the result of this poll, the government of Pakistan decided that Sugarcane is the National Drink of Pakistan.

Sugarcane is an important crop in Pakistan. It is a source of providing Sugar and other Sugary productions. Pakistan is a country of agriculture. In 198, the sugarcane was cultivated in 878 X 103 hectares. This increased in 1992 to 886 X 103 hectares. This crop can be planted thrice in a year, in the months of Feb – March, July, and October. It grows for 12 – 6 months before harvesting. The average yielding of Sugarcane is 46 tons per hectare.

Pakistan Sugarcane Juice is used in Pakistan for different purposes, people use this as a drink, and people also use this in cooking rice. These are known as Special Sugarcane rice which is full of taste and sweetness of sugarcane.

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