Online gaming is now the world of billions. Each year gamers around the world are earning millions of dollars playing these online games and taking part in the online competition. Just read the recent case study of Simail Hasan who earned almost Rs. 25 crore is playing these online games.

Now the people in Pakistan can enjoy these online games and can take part in the worldwide competition as well. PTCL has launched a dedicated gaming lounge that is the premier online state of the art gaming service in Pakistan. Now the game lovers living in Pakistan can play the games like COD, CS, Battlefield and much more. All they need to create the account first and then start exploring their favorite games.

Here is the list of all those games that are currently the part of PTCL Gaming Lounge.

  1. CS GO
  2. COD 4: MW
  3. CS Source
  4. COD 1
  5. COD 2
  6. CS 1.6
  7. COD: MW 2
  8. COD: MW 3
  9. MOHAA
  10. Team Fortress 2
  11. Minecraft
  12. Just Cause 2
  13. GTA SA: MP
  14. Garry’s Mod
  15. Battlenet & Westwood
  16. Netplay Arcade Games-Kaillera
  17. Insurgency
  18. Rust
  19. Unturned
  20. Sniper Elite 3
  21. Mount & Blade Warband
  22. Mount & Blade With Fire & Sword

According to the list, the current list of available games can be changed anytime to provide the gamers the latest available games.

With the increase in a number of PTCL Gaming Lounge users, PTCL is continuously updating the number of servers. Recently it has launched new servers for multiplayer gaming. It’s time to enjoy the MMOG with the PTCL Gaming Lounge all with the new style and passion.

There is no area restriction over the PTCL Gaming Lounge. Anyone living in Pakistan can register to website and can also connect to the community forums and become their part as well.

For more information move to this link and get the recent news and updates.

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