Situation is getting intense day by day as Pakistan Threek e Insaf’s Azadi march has become headache for current government. Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf has really proved their word as they have protested in a very peaceful way and haven’t damaged a single vas during their Azadi march. Thousands of people have participated in Imran Khan’s Azadi march.

Many famous celebrities have also shown their support in favor of Imran Khan. Today Imran Abbasi also joined PTI’s Azadi march. Junaid Jamshed, Salman Ahmad, Shahzad Roy, Atta ullah Esa Khelwi are also supporting PTI’s favor. Journalists were of the opinion that Nawaz Sharif has some serious reservations on this Azadi march that it is being funded or organized by USA but today’s comment of USA in favor of Nawaz Sharif has really made Nawaz Sharif very happy.

On that Imran Khan asked USA to stay away from internal politics as Pakistan’s politics is none of their business. Imran Khan during his speech said “Nawaz Sharif I am watching that you are very happy after getting America’s favor today, do remember that if you have America beside you I have Allah with me.” Imran Khan asked his supporters to stay peaceful and be patient.

He also told participants of Azadi march that Nawaz Sharif has very less time and soon he will be packing his bags and his government will fall. Imran further said that “I sense that it won’t take more than 2 days, when umpire will raise his finger and Nawaz will have to leave.” Imran Khan is not leaving his stance, his first condition that “Prime Minister should resign first” than they can show some elasticity.

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