Brand development in Pakistan without Facebook? Not a good idea anymore. Statistics reveal that there were over 6 million Pakistani users on Facebook back in 2012. Statistically 4.14 million of these users were men while 1.94 million were women.

Facebook Pakistan Statistics 2012

Facebook Statistics Pakistan 2012

In 2013 alone, Facebook users in Pakistan crossed a mammoth figure of over 11 million. Statistics show that 8.2 million users are men while 3.2 million women are Facebook users in Pakistan. Dominant factors that attract fewer women as compared to men are scarce availability of internet to women and as a matter of fact, women in Pakistan face the same social problems over Facebook as they usually do in real life. This basically is the reason women participation is quite low.

How this sudden increase in 2013 has been observed in Facebook usage in Pakistan? There are plenty of reasons but the two very obvious reasons are social media blast and mobiles. Off late, smartphones industry in Pakistan has grown and that resulted in telecom companies offering very cheap mobile internet packages to its users. Ufone has been leading the way with its free mobile internet after 1 MB. Anyone having a smartphone can easily access Facebook and keep updated. Secondly social media in Pakistan has observed a blast right after General Elections in May 2013. Politicians made full use of social media and social networking sites especially Facebook to run their campaigns. Some of the new generation politicians like Bilawal Bhutto Zardari prefers Twitter more than issuing press releases. Imran Khan’s PTI (Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf) has also been behind Facebook campaigns and their followers are increasing day by day.

Another reason is the introduction of Facebook pages of News channels that keep you updated on their Facebook page. Celebrities have not spared Facebook either and every prominent model or actress have at least one official page on Facebook that is been followed by hundreds of thousands of fans.

So coming back to the question and now trying to answer it. Yes Facebook is must for every company that wants to build a brand. Ufone Facebook page has crossed 2 million fans and it is the leading brand in Pakistan. Additionally it is the first one to have achieved this feat.

Additionally a company B Solutions has released an infographic that shows exactly how important Facebook is if anyone wants to build a brand in Pakistan as well as a complete outline of what devices people use to access Facebook and what timing is suitable for Facebook page holders to engage them.

Facebook engagement Pakistani brands


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