The website is facing downtime for a few a long time on Nov. 27 White Friday (Muslim version of Black Friday), The main reason for website blackout is unknown  at this time it can be  a technical server load issue.
It’s really a active time frame for shopping sites, which make it most likely the most unfortunate period of the season to have an blackout, but that is what is happening to FedEx for a few hrs on Nov. 27.

The site is not available for a few time to many consumers in the country, however it is not clear what precisely occurred.

It should be kept in mind is one of pioneer shopping sites in Pakistan and offered 3-Days Black Friday Deals as White Friday Deals.

homeshopping down 2 homeshopping down

Just like and, the other giant online retailer in Pakistan has also announced the Black Friday sales and deals. But Homeshopping entered in the race with the banner of White Friday Deals and with a beautiful justification for this unique banner as well: “Because in Pakistan Friday is never black.” It is not ended here, the other justification for being White was, “In the Muslim world, Friday is the day of prayer, the day of gathering, the day off, the family day, the day of joy, so surely…, our Friday is White.”

The post goes Down on White Friday first appeared on