Islam gives the rights to women which no religion in world gives to their women . Islam is the fastest growing religion in west and most of those who are reverting back to Islam are women because they see how much Islam had given importance to their rights and have stated a perfect way of life that a men and women should adopt. In India a Hindu women embraced Islam after getting impressed by the Hijab. She accepted Islam because she studied it and when she did hijab she felt secure.

She said that she used to work in a factory due to poor financial conditions. In factory she met a co worker who was a Muslim girl and the Muslim girl  started to tell her about the importance of Hijab and told her to Hijab. The Indian women along with her husband accepted Islam after getting impressed by the teachings of Islam. In similar way thousands of women in west accepted Islam as their religion and reverted back to Islam after studying Islam deeply.

The Indian girl naming Pushpa who accepted Islam said that my factory friend insisted me to study Islam and accept it and love for Islam started increasing slowly inside me. Not only comon people but high profile people also accepted Islam after studying and getting impressed from it. The sister of UK’s prime minister also accepted Islam as her religion. Janet Jackson is another example of a high profile celebrity who reverted back to Islam. Yousaf Islam a famous rock singer of USA reverted back to the religion of truth. May Allah show right path to everybody on this planet.

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