Maybe it was hard for the nation to digest the curved advertisement of Nargis Fakhri for Mobilink over the front pages of renowned Pakistani newspapers. So, the Ufone came with a solution in the shape of Faisal Qureshi. The most interesting thing about Ufone curved ad is that this ad was not published in the Quetta edition of the Daily Jang Newspaper.

Here it is:1

Here is of the Nargis FakhriNargis_Fakhri

Faisal Qureshi in a curved position marketing the new phone of Ufone SmartU5a that is the 3D handset by the Ufone. Before going for further detail of the mobile set, it is important to mention here that Ufone has actually made respond over the Mobilink ad by showing the Nargis Fakhri that was according to the nation a vulgar advertisement.

Faisal Qureshi and Mikal Zulfiqar are considered as the best advertiser of the Ufone for acting in the hilarious TV and paper ads of the Ufone that almost goes viral. But this time, Ufone came with a new style although this style is copied from it’s rival cellular company but the idea of using the Faisal Qureshi is totally different.

As it is mentioned earlier, Jang Newspaper has taken no kind of risk for publishing the Ufone recent ad in its Quetta edition. Moreover, Ufone and fully used the Desi culture of the country in the shape of Topi and Arabic scarf.

And what about advertisement for Quetta edition?


And here is the reaction over the social media platforms

Ufone never stop trolling other networks

Now telenor should come up with other assets upside

Hahahaha great… ufone always make superb promotions…

Funny how gays have more freedom in Pakistan than heterosexuals

They still come with some features of mobile. Best sentence is ” Ishtihar chup kar dekhne ki zararot bhi nahi.

It’s like a race of failed advertising competition .. And everyone is winning !!!!

Humor is my Weapon…..the force is strong in them

Creativity in marketing at peak!

whats difference b/w Mobi and ufone ? same activity they should same style give in one page

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