It seems Federal Government wants to end the age limit case of CSS in the running year. The recent tweet by Federal Minister for Planning and Development about approval by Cabinet in upper age limit from 28 to 30 years for CSS exams shows that concern ministry is striving to get the matter solved by increasing age.

Earlier the summary seeking the increase in age limit was rejected by the Prime Minister House stating, “The increase in the number of academic years from 14 to 16 for a bachelor’s degree is really no justification to enhance the upper age-limit for CSS candidates.”

“The minimum existing stipulated requirement in terms of experience for any officer of BS-21 to be considered for promotion to BS-22 is 24 years. In actual practice, it takes even longer, and most officers end up being able to serve in BS-22 for the last year or two of their careers,” the statement upheld.

Recently Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform Ahsan Iqbal has tweeted, “Cabinet approved an increase in the upper age limit from 28 to 30 years for CSS exams to benefit youth from backward areas & higher education.”

Well it seems, the summary is again going to Prime Minister Office. As it is approved by the Cabinet Division so chances are high it will get the green signal.

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