The information and history of the companies in Pakistan is difficult to cover . Their is list local company providing services in every field and products of all types or the foreign company having its setup in the Pakistan to get information online like the nature and status of the foreign company operating in Pakistan or any where else in the world .

List of companies at Pakistan company include all the leading companies in Pakistan providing services in or out of Pakistan market providing the services equally to search the online news about the products and services of all the companies present on our list of Pakistan’s leading IT solutions company

Companies in Pakistan

  1. Advertising agencies
  2. Automobile assembler
  3. Banks
  4. Chemical
  5. Engineering consultants
  6. Fertilizer
  7. Fashion
  8. Food and personal care products
  9. Insurance
  10. Investment banks and stockbrokers
  11. Oil refineries
  12. Oil and gas exploration
  13. Oil and Gas marketing
  14. Pharmaceuticals
  15. Power generation and power distribution
  16. Sugar and allied industries
  17. Telecommunication and IT/Technology
  18. Textile composite
  19. Textile processing
  20. Textile spinning
  21. Textile weaving
  22. Tobacco
  23. Transport
  24. Others

Overall popularity Companies in Pakistan

Rank Score Item 

1. 154 Pakistan Telecommunication Company
2. 149 National Bank of Pakistan
3. 142 State Bank of Pakistan
4. 132 Suzuki
5. 124 Muslim Commercial Bank
6. 81 Beema-Pakistan Company
7. 77 Pakistan Petroleum
8. 72 Sui Southern Gas Company
9. 69 Pakistan State Oil
10. 61 Hewlett Packard
11. 56 Shell Pakistan
12. 56 Intel





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