A positive step by the care taker government as they have banned CNG for vehicles above 1000 cc engines. Ministry of Petroleum sent summary to care taker prime minister of Pakistan and he took a brave decision against the transporters by signing it. The relevant organization have been informed and strict action will be taken against the offenders of the rule. in this regard big fines have been decided upon the violation of the rule. The CNG station that will violate the rule second time will be fined Rs. 1 Lac, if it violates the law for 3rd time fine of Rs. 6 Lac will be imposed and if law is violated

fourth time than that CNG station will have to face 1 year ban. yes indeed a good step to reduce several kilometers long lines by this not only shortage of CNG will be reduced but also time of a lot of people will be saved as the vehicles above 1000 cc take more time to get filled as compared to small ones. The transport buses are huge consumers of CNG and surely are a reason behind the shortage as well. Transporters all over Pakistan have rejected the law and are preparing for strike against it.Lets hope that new government will also take stand on the decision of care taker government and will implement such laws and rules due which majority gets benefited.

The post CNG Banned on Above 1000 CC Vehciles first appeared on Web.pk.