On 16th November Glorious Holy Quran, the burning incident took place by a small group of people under an anti-Islamic rally which turned violent in the Kristiansand in the town of Norway. Where leader of the rally tried to burn the glorious Holy Quran under the warning of police officials by far-right extremist group ‘Stop Islamization of Norway’ (SIAN) in which they tried to burn the copy of the Holy Quran. Videos of the incident show a Muslim hero ‘Ilyas’ jumped over the fence and kicked Lars Thorsen to save the glorious Holy Quran after which police took both of them under their custody.

However, after this incident, Muslims demanded Norway’s Government to take strict actions against this act and people came out of the streets and started recitation of the glorious Holy Quran. During the Friday prayers, people of the Kristiansand city showed up outside the mosque to express their support and glory with the local companion Muslims of the city. They did not let the weather conditions, the heavy rainy days, and extremely freezing temperatures stop them from coming out instead they came up for the fellow Muslims to support the local community of Muslims.

Some also claimed to their support that they are together even if they are different. More to this, some were holding placards and were in support as they said they were there to show that they love Muslims. They also said that SIAN members ‘Stop Islamization of Norway’ is absurd and not many people follow them they did this discourtesy just to gain so-called fame and publicity and to make it a big headlines in the press.

Since the incident, all the leaders of the Muslims community are suggesting them to remain peaceful and in the lining of Islamic teachings. Islam does not promote to go and attack others and Islam does not harm anyone. Seeing this incident broke our hearts but we try to remain steadfast in other to not to be violent because Islam does not teach us this. We are Muslims, We love Peace!

The post After-effects of Burning Holy Quran in Norway Incident first appeared on Web.pk.