Well I think that now most of the flop celebrities are trying to follow the foot steps of Veena Malik because every now and then we see celebrities trying to get in news by indulging themselves in self created spicy news. This time its Laila who is taking such steps to get famous first she announced that she is going to marry Mira G’s brother than she tried to be part of hot news by saying that renowned politician Jhangir Badar had asked her to marry his son and later on upon investigation she backed from her statement.

Now Laila has taken another step as she had made Nabeel Shukat fed up of her. Nabeel Shaukat Ali who won Sur Kshetra. It all started from  a morning show where both Laila and Nabeel were invited as guests, when the show ended Laila kept on talking to Nabeel Shaukat and told him how lovely his voice is and in the end she asked Nabeel’s cell number and Nabeel gave it to her but he had no idea what was waiting for him. As soon as she got his number she started calling him day and night without any particular reason.

On the other end Nabeel got fed up from her calls and stopped receiving her calls. Upon this she started texting him alot and with teasing messages. Nabeel found no other way than to switch off his cell phone to get rid of her. Upon this Laila made it public that she and  Nabeel are in contact with each other and there was something special between them. While on the other end the spokesperson of Nabeel cleared that there is nothing fishy between them and said that Nabeel can’t afford such scandals at this time of his career and that’s why Nabeel and his family has decided to settle in Holland. Well such scandals work for few and doesn’t work for everybody. Lets see what next Laila have to be in news.

The post Actress Laila Fell for Singer Nabeel Shaukat Affair first appeared on Web.pk.