According to a survey conducted by Gallup Pakistan, a mammoth 81% favor the exchange of Dr. Shakil Afridi for the freedom of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, if the government ever decides to do it.

All four provinces of Pakistan were included in this survey. Men and women from four provinces were asked that if Pakistan government decided to free Dr. Shakil Afridi in exchange for the freedom of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, to what extent will you support the decision or oppose this decision of government of Pakistan?

51% respondents told that they would completely support this action, 30% responded said that they would somewhat support the decision. 11% respondents were in favor of somewhat opposing this government decision while 8% of the respondents told that they would completely oppose this decision.

Gilani Foundation released this study and it was carried out by Gallup Pakistan. The sample for this study was based on 2629 men and women both in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of Pakistan. The dates during which this study was carried out were from 20th of January 2014 to 27th of January 2014.

Shakil Afridi for Aafia Siddiqui Exchange

This shows that majority of Pakistanis want Dr. Aafia Siddiqui to return to Pakistan as a free human being once again. This also illustrates that Pakistani nation do not want to bear any expense for her freedom even if it costs us a traitor Shakil Afridi.

Pakistani government should look seriously into this matter and keep their promise they did to Pakistani nation before elections. Pakistani government will win the hearts of Pakistani nation with this single action and it will give a new spirit to the nation.

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