A Miami-based cryptocurrency company, CBlocks, made $32,000 in 30 days, selling a mystery box of cryptocurrencies to people who wanted to start trading crypto but were unaware how to do it. The demand was quite high and the team quickly stopped processing orders to avoid legal issues.

The startup company, CBlocks is ambitious to be the most favorite mystery box for the cryptocurrency. The company has specified an amount of cash and there are four subscriptions tiers that range from $75 to $500. They can be loaded to a physical USB wallet with five randomly selected coins such as Litecoin, Monero, Dogecoin, and others.

The company then ships a mystery box inside a collector’s case. The collector’s case varies according to the price. For example, if you purchase the $75 box, the company will load up the USB wallet with $50 worth of random cryptocurrencies.

Each tier costs $25 more than the provided value of the coins, most likely to compensate for various operating costs like shipping and the hardware itself. The coins are randomly collected and the company claims that it utilizes a proprietary algorithm to choose among the currently available coins. Hence, there are zero guarantees that they’re choosing the most profitable coins at the time.

The project was inspired by CryptoRoulette, which generates six random cryptocurrencies and shows you what profits you would’ve made had you invested on a certain date in the past. However, investing in cryptocurrency is an intense mixture of playing the stock market and gambling, so it’s bound to be appealing to a large number of people around the world which will allow the service to continue humming along.

CBlocks is now moving to Canada, where its Floridian founders believe it can thrive with cheaper regulatory expenses. You can order your own crypto mystery box from this link. If nothing else, it seems like an awfully easy way to get your friends hooked on crypto.

Please note that this piece is by no means an endorsement. You should familiarize yourself with the risks involved in cryptocurrency investing before you make any decisions.

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