
Punjab Government has started a campaign to check digital content on the internet. It is asking the nationals to report any content that falls under certain filtration brackets available on their website PeacePak.

A community-based website, Peaceful Pakistan, aims to change the narrative about Pakistan to a peace loving country by encouraging everyone to participate in multiple ways. Anyone can submit stories, poems, videos or anything that adds value to the community.

Whereas, the recent campaign is to curb the hate and violence inciting content spread over the internet. If you have come across any suspicious or questionable activity on the internet that falls in one of the following brackets.

  1. Terrorist Organization
  2. Content Supporting Terrorism
  3. Hatred Content
  4. Blasphemy

You can report it on this link.

Report a link
“Countless notions prevail in our society which breed and nurture the narratives of hatred and extremism. These notions originate from mistaken religious, social, and cultural norms of our society. We aim to alter the existing hatred-spreading notions with the ones promoting peace”, says the website.

The question here is how the government will be able to safeguard freedom of expression on the digital space.

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