As the world is becoming more like a digital village the role of Internet is also rising around the globe. Pakistan is also one of many developing countries where the usage of internet is rising day by day, the main source of connecting to the internet is through mobiles.

People across the country use mobile internet to connect to their family and friends via big social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

According to Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), mobile internet users in the country have grown significantly in the numbers and reached a record 40.56 million active mobile internet users by the end of April 2017.

Owing to this pace, many tech journalists are arguing that Pakistan in the future might see a digital revolution and make more progress in mobile internet.

Keeping in view the increase in mobile internet users, the government should make the mobile internet less costly and give relief to the users, which will certainly increase mobile internet users in the country.

According to PTA, “29% of mobile phone users are now internet users as well. They were standing at 22% by the end of the previous fiscal year in June 2016”.

Moreover, Ministry of Information and Technology has recently sought approval from the Federal cabinet to roll out 5G services in the country. The step is taken in a bid to promote and improve 5G services in Pakistan. This approval will allow the Ministry of Information and Technology to test the latest technology in mobile communications in Pakistan.

Feature image source: IrisCommunications

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