Jonh McAfee the founder of the world’s first large-scale antivirus software providing company, McAfee Associates has been a vocal supporter of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for quite a while. But he doesn’t promote crypto coins or ICOs for free, as revealed by McAfee Crypto Team, a website organized by McAfee himself and his team.

McAfee who is also getting popular for his foolish claim about Bitcoin’s price to reach $1 million or he will eat his d**k on National Television, has disclosed that he charges $105,000 for a single tweet he sends out promoting digital coins or initial coin offerings (ICO). His site boldly declares that “John McAfee’s tweets are by far the most influential in the field of cryptocurrency. […] Within the cryptocurrency industry, nothing can match the power of a McAfee tweet”.

Since Twitter has banned ads for ICOs and cryptocurrency exchanges, the only way for promoting coins on this platform is to use a popular Twitter profile and that’s where McAfee takes the opportunity. McAfee says, “It’s self-aggrandizing and ego-stroking for us. However, if you’re planning an ICO, trying to boost a coin, or want to shine a light on your latest project, you should overlook our swollen egos and see.”

And literally, his tweets have a significant impact on boosting the value of a crypto coin. There are a number of noteworthy examples last year including Burst coin which reportedly jumped 350% from its value after McAfee’s tweet.

McAfee has some 811,000 followers on Twitter and among them, most are the investors so the total cost an ICO has to bear for each investor is around $0.13 (dividing the total $105,000 to total followers).

There’s no doubt that crypto world has some colorful characters, of which McAfee is one. These characters do have a significant impact on the speculative value of cryptocurrencies but they must not be believed entirely. New and unconventional methods of marketing seem to be appealing to those wanting to get on the crypto bandwagon.

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