Till now spambot has trapped 711 million email accounts.

Malware attacks on PCs and email accounts have become more common nowadays. Just a few month ago a malware named WannaCry attacked hundreds of PCs in more than 150 countries worldwide and now a new malware spambot has been discovered. It was first discovered by a security researcher, Benkow. He said that he has discovered millions of emails and credentials on a spambot server.

According to ZDNet,

“Those credentials are crucial for the spammer’s large-scale malware operation to bypass spam filters by sending email through legitimate email servers.”  

The “Onliner” spambot is used to deliver the Ursnif banking malware into emails more specifically into inboxes to infect Windows computers. It could easily pass through spam filters and lands easily into your inbox because it is coming from a legitimate server. And once you open the attachment it will infect your computer and can easily steal your passwords, credit card information and bank log-ins etc. While talking to a media outlet Benkow said, “Onliner has resulted in more than 100,000 unique infections across the world.”

Furthermore, Tory Hunt, a guy who runs a website “Have I Been Pwned” said that it is the largest set of data which he has loaded into his database of compromised accounts.

Read more: Malware called Judy to infect 36.5 million Android phone users

Aside from the above mentioned new, tech giant Google has recently removed 500 apps with Spyware from the Play Store after a mobile security firm made this discovery.

Source: Engadget, Via: ZDNet

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