If you got signed out of your Google account unexpectedly, Google has an answer.

A lot of users complained and reported an abnormal situation yesterday where they were signed out of their Google accounts. Most of the users just typed their passwords and successfully got access to their accounts back but the situation caused panic in many.

People feared that this might be a phishing attack or the security of their accounts might have been compromised. According to the users with multiple accounts, the accounts with disabled 2-Step Verification (2SV) were the ones that got affected. A Reddit thread reads,

Google assured users that it was not a hacking attempt and apologized for the inconvenience,

“We’ve gotten reports about some users being signed out of their accounts unexpectedly. We’re investigating, but not to worry: there is no indication that this is connected to any phishing or account security threats.

Please try to sign-in again at accounts.google.com and if you cannot remember your password, please use this link (g.co/recover) to recover your password. If you use 2-Step Verification, there may have been a delay in receiving your SMS code. Please try again or use backup codes.”

The issue was not just limited to one platform. It also reset Google’s WiFi and OnHub routers.

You do not have to worry about the security of your account as this was just a technical glitch at Google’s end and not a cyberattack. If you still have any doubts then change your password or enable 2SV.

Featured Image: 9to5google

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