Google CEO

The cheese placement on one of the Google’s hamburger emoji drew enough brawl that the Google’s CEO himself had to step in and resolve the issue for once and all.

The matter of how a technology company places the cheese slice on its burger emoji was raised over the past weekend when Thomas Baekdal, a professional author, made a tweet questioning the cheese placement as done by Google. Accrediting this matter to be of utmost importance, the writer then mentioned that their needs to be a full-scale discussion on this.


After the tweet was made, a heated discussion started to boil on the social media. The fight was able to draw enough traction that Sundar Pichai, the Google’s CEO, had to step in and settle the issue. Pichai mentioned that he will drop everything and address the concerned issue this Monday, if folks could agree about what should be the correct ordering of slice in a hamburger.

The cooking experts say that such a cheese placement is never carried out because it damps the lower bun, making it soggy. None of the other technology companies including Apple, Samsung, LG and Microsoft place the cheese in their burger emojis like this. Let’s now see how Google takes on this issue, which seemingly is more important than the ones concerning its latest Pixel flagship.

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