
Google, the search giant, has started implementing a new script for its Chrome browser, making it a whole lot faster.

Chrome, the internet browser made by Google, is currently one of the most-used browsers around the world with nearly 32.33% market share. Although Chrome is known for being a battery and memory hogger, it gets top marks for its performance, leaving Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Mozilla’s firefox in the dust. To make the deal even sweeter, Google has found a new way to make Chrome a whole lot faster.

Introduced by Google back in September, Brotli is the name of a new open-source compression algorithm that promises as much as 26% higher compression ratios over the previous algorithm, Zopfli, and just like the previous algorithm, it is also named after Swiss bakery products (Brotli means “small bread” in Swiss German). Brotli will allow Chrome to better utilize space and make it load pages much faster.

Finally, Google’s web performance engineer Ilya Grigorik has sent out word that they are ready to deploy Brotli in Chrome.

Firefox, the third most popular browser in the desktop browser market, is also going to adopt Brotli in a future update.

Source- Google

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