Programming for Absolute Beginners

Programming is one thing that everyone should learn and have a know how of. In the times when technology is becoming a central force in our daily lives. Understanding to code is a skill which can be very helpful.

Enki is a free app which will help you learn code bit by bit every day by following a 5-minute routine. The biggest problem is our busy schedule which hinders us from learning. Enki aims to fit right in our daily routines and help us learn code if we are a newbie or want to brush up our programming concepts.

Enki provides courses regarding the following topics:

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Computer Science
  • Custom Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Linux
  • Git

Taking a rough look at the curriculum, we can see that some of the most important topics in IT have been covered here. In Java, you’ll be able to learn regarding annotations, application integrity, objects and more. JavaScript course can help you learn regarding browser application programming interfaces (APIs). CSS, which is an integral part of making any website look good, includes basics and helping you create a responsive design for your website.

The course on Git highlights project collaboration and version control whereas the Linux topic can help you regarding networking, security and more. Python course is the easiest and we recommend you start from it first as it’ll cover the basics of programming such as loops, data structures and algorithms, which are an essential part of all other programming languages,

Before you select any one of the above topics, Enki will ask you regarding your familiarity with it. If you are new to all this, then select beginner and Enki’s course will start from the basics and take you up everyday. If you are a developer who is just looking for extra info regarding the topics, then choose Confident or Expert and Enki will help you brush up your skills,

There are different ways you can learn these topics. You can go solo and pick your own schedule to learn the topics daily at that specific time period. Or you could collaborate by forming teams through Enki and challenge your partners to see who learns more each day. Enki also has games on these topics so you can learn while you enjoy too.

Do you have any app recommendations for learning to code?

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