
Mark Zuckerberg, current CEO and co-founder of the world’s biggest social network “Facebook”, took to his social media profile yesterday to announce his and Facebook’s support for the Muslim community.

The recent events in Syria and the acts of terrorisms commited by the “Islamic State” in the name of Islamic community, particularly the Paris attack last month, have given rise to a wave of Islamophobia around the world. However, several notable personalities have pinpointed this baseless prejudice against the Muslims of the world and are taking a stand in their support for the Muslim community and one of the most famous person around the world right now, the creator of the billion users social network, Mark Zuckerberg, has spoken in favor of the Muslims of the world.

Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg’s call for supporting Muslims comes amid a backlash against the freshly-made comments by the American business magnate and presidential candidate, Donald Trump, about his anti-Muslim views and his opinion of banning the entry of Muslims in the U.S.

The current Chief Executive Officer at Facebook, Mark has also found a solace in philanthropy and activism. Lately, he has been in the headlines due to his initiative to pledge $45 Billion or nearly 99% of his Facebook shares in working for the good of the community and also his move to take a paternity leave for his newly-born daughter, Max.

This announcement to support the Muslim community shows how Mark has evolved over the years, from just being a billionaire entrepreneur, to a person interested in doing much more for the world than he has already done, pretty much like Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and the entrepreneur-turned-philanthropist.

Source- Facebook Image Source- DigitalTrends

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