
Facebook has announced that it will be killing the app invites feature soon. Yes, I know, it is one of the most annoying things to ever exist on Facebook.

Remember FarmVille? (Or do you still play it?) I started playing it back in 2010 on my slow internet connection. It used to take ages to load but I still used to play it because it was a new game back then and my cousins and some other friends also used to play it with me. It was once a fun thing to send in-game gifts to your friend and receive different requests from them then different developers developed a lot of flash games for Facebook and those “game request” notifications started to become annoying. A lot of people, including me, started to block the notifications from different apps. Like once I got a request from CityVille and I blocked it at once.

Unless you “love” those annoying notifications, you would already have blocked them. But if you still didn’t find time to block them, Facebook is going to block them for you. Facebook is officially killing support for any kind of app notifications on February 6, 2018.

That’s not all, Facebook is also bringing some other changes including a change in its page liking mechanism. You might have noticed a like button on different websites where pressing that button automatically likes their Facebook page without actually visiting the page. Some websites also use that button for some kinds of campaigns. Like they ask you to like their Facebook page to enter the giveaway and they put the like button right there and you don’t need to go to Facebook to like that page. All of this is changing from now as Facebook does not support the like button anymore. Now you have to visit the actual Facebook page to be able to like that page. This decision will stop spamming as a lot of websites show popups and ask users to press the like button to go further.

Facebook is also disabling Comment Mirroring. It is a feature which lets users use their Facebook account to comment on a website. Facebook will completely disable this feature in 90 days so if you use Facebook’s comment mirroring on your site, it’s time to switch to some other comments plugin. And Facebook is also killing the follow button as it thinks that it has become redundant and is no longer useful as there are some other ways to follow a person’s updates.

You can see the full list of all the features that Facebook is killing on their developers’ page.

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