BMW Wireless Charging

BMW is close to launching a wireless charging pad for its 530e Plug-In Hybrid. This is a totally new feature for the BMW car series. The wireless charging pad plugs into a regular 220-volt power outlet and charges the car completely in just 3.5 hours. Yeah, even some phones take this much time to charge completely.

The charging process is fairly simple. You just plug your phone into the wall socket and place the charging pad on the ground. The sensors in the cars then guide you to the charging pad and tell you where to stop your car. Once your car is perfectly placed, it will automatically start charging. No wires required.

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Here’s a video that explains the charging process.

You can check the charging status of your car on your smartphone through an official app which will even notify you if your car charges completely.

The feature is in the final testing phases and will be available in USA soon. Other countries will have to wait to get it. And the feature is only available for 530e Plug-In Hybrid for now and will be available for other BMW hybrid cars soon.

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