
Reddit is one of the greatest communities on the internet and people can ask questions directly from anyone and even the big personalities like Barrack Obama and Elon Musk respond to the questions. That makes it one of the few platforms for authentic conversation.

EA posted a comment on Reddit about their upcoming game, Star Wars Battlefront II, and the comment has become the most hated comment in Reddit history. A Star Wars Battlefront II player posted a comment about a character which is locked and he is not happy as he paid $80 for the game and he was expecting his favorite character to be unlocked. The most prominent characters include Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker and users are not happy that they are locked. And not just that, it takes about 40 hours to unlock those characters and not everyone is ready to spend 40 hours of their time to unlock a single character.

Well, EA decided to reply to the comment but that did not turn out well. The comment received the most number of downvotes and currently sits at 635,000 downvotes. That is far more than any comment received the downvotes ever. The 2nd most hated comment in Reddit history just has 24,000 downvotes and EA’s latest comment received 20 times more downvotes than it.

Here’s the EA’s comment:

“The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.

As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we’re looking at average per-player credit earn rates on a daily basis, and we’ll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay.

We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets.

Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.”

It looks like the people did not like EA’s intention to provide the “sense of pride” to its player and they wanted something else. Now let’s see if EA does something about the locked characters and makes their players happy.

The post Behold, EA just posted the most hated comment in Reddit history appeared first on TechJuice.