Apple is designing and manufacturing its own display for the first time. The MicroLED displays are being manufactured in a facility near the California headquarters. Apple plans to make a small number of screens at first for testing purposes for their wearable devices, as reported by Bloomberg.

MicroLED is an emerging industry, and these screens are significantly harder to make as compared to OLED displays. Apple has invested a huge amount in this development and plans to be the first company to produce it.

MicroLED displays are quite different from OLED displays as these use a different light-emitting compound. This makes MicroLEDs efficient, slimmer and brighter than the current OLED displays in the market.

The project is code-named “T159”, and the engineers are working on the designing and production of the MicroLED screens. Apple will have a hard time to actually produce these screens, as it requires a lot of manufacturing equipment and manpower to produce in large scale. By the time this technology comes to life, something else would have been introduced in the market. It is an expensive endeavor.

Apple’s ambition is to make in-house displays just like they have produced their own in-house chipset for the past several years. This news has stirred quite a storm in the Display Market leaving Samsung, LG to companies like Synaptics quite worried.

Although it will take years for Apple to introduce the displays in the market, this is a Golden opportunity for Apple to finally free itself from its biggest rival Samsung and produce the best displays in the market rather than buying from Samsung. Apple might own MicroLED, until then Apple will stick to OLED displays, for the iPhones coming this fall.

Apple will also surprise us with a 2nd giant model of 6.5-inch display, Apple will also include LG along with Samsung to fulfill their OLED production. Apple will also release iPhone SE 2 similar to iPhone X.

– Courtesy Bloomberg

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