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Summers are at the door, excitement of colorful dresses, fresh air and fragrant breezes and yet there is something which keeps us from enjoying the season of summer and that’s nothing else but the skin tanning problem because of burning sun. Every girl wants to enjoy the season fullest, but the fear of suntan stops her steps from going out; this is the biggest headache of all the Asian women. So ladies stop worrying about this here in this post we are bringing some very simple and domestic remedies and cares for the skin tan. This is available right in your kitchen cabinets or the drawer of dressing table. One of very basic thing is to drink a lot of water, wash your face abundantly, and never forget to apply sunscreen before stepping out of your home. Let’s put light to some remedies in detail.




These are some general cosmetician remedies:

  • Using Sun Block


  • Sun Tanned Skin:


  • By Using Sun Screen:


DIY: 5 Easy Homemade Remedies to Get Rid of Sun Burn & Sun Tanned Skin

  1. Lemon Juice
  • Lemon is the great cure for sun tanned skin because it has natural bleaching properties.
  • Simply apply some fresh lemon juice on the affected skin area and let it dry, and then wash it with water.
  • Or add some sugar to lemon juice and apply it on the skin. Sugar has awesome cleansing characteristics. Do this two or three times a week for quick results

Lemon Juice Remedy


Lemon Sugar Scrub


Lemon Sugar Honey Scrub


  1. Yogurt
  • Yogurt is very effective in minimizing a sun tan as it cools the skin and reduces the redness, also tightens the pores which block bacteria.
  • Mix a cup of plain yogurt and add the juice of one cucumber and one tomato
  • Then add half a cup of gram flour (besan).
  • Apply it on your face and neck.
  • Let it dry for 30-45 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Or, you can simply apply some fresh yogurt on your skin daily before taking a bath. For best results, add tomato juice and lime juice to the yogurt.

Yoghurt Gramflour


Yoghurt Tomato Remedy



Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is so quick that it will lighten the skin within a week only; it also helps cleanse and nourish the skin.

  • Apply fresh aloe Vera gel on the affected skin areas before going to bed and Wash the skin properly in a morning.

Here photo credits: wikiHow



  1. Potato

Raw potato is an excellent bleaching agent and cures sun-tanned face or body. Surprisingly, it is rich in vitamin c that helps soothe sunburn.

  • Peel, the skin off two to three medium-sized potatoes, cut them into chunks.
  • Blend them to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste generously all over the affected skin.
  • Let it dry for about 30 minutes and then wash with cold water.

Potato Remedy


Potato Mask


Potato Paste


For more good results, add some lemon juice to the potato paste before applying it.

  1. Cucumber

Cucumber juice also helps reduce a sun dark. Cucumbers have a cooling effect that soothes the skin and helps eliminate browning of membrane. The vitamin C in cucumbers helps to keep the skin well moisturized.

  • What you need to do is to mix two tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice with one tablespoon of lime juice.
  • Add a pinch of turmeric and mix it well.
  • Apply it on the face and neck. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it off with water.
  • Freshly cut slices of cucumber can also be rubbed simply on the face.

CUcumber-remedy Cucumber-for-suntan

Some other effective things for summer tan are Gram flour, you can make the paste with simple water, rose water or lemon juice and applied on your face, also can be used as the scrub. Milk or milk cream can also be used for treating sunburned face. Sandalwood, Almond and Oatmeal powder are also effective.





Hope this post will resolve the problem to some extent.

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