
Warid Telecom, one of Pakistan’s leading telecoms providers, recently held a blood donation drive at their office on the occasion of “World Blood Donors Day”. Warid employees generously donated blood to show their support for this noble cause and to celebrate ‘World Blood Donors Day’ which is observed annually across the globe on the 14th of June.

Warid Telecom, as part of its CSR program, partnered with Sundas Foundation to raise awareness amongst all Warid employees regarding the importance of donating blood. Experts from the Sundas Foundation also held a session to educate Warid employees about the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.

The session by Sundas Fundation was aimed to highlight the fact that transfusion of blood and blood products helps save millions of lives every year. It can help patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures. It also has an essential, life-saving role in maternal and prenatal care.

Warid employees from all management tiers donated blood in huge numbers. Speaking on the occasion Mr. Younas Iqbal Sheikh, Chief Commercial Officer, Warid Telecom, said, “We are proud to have partnered with Sundas Foundation for such a noble cause. We have always promoted healthy living through our CSR projects; whether it is “World No Tobacco Day” or “World Blood Donors Day” we believe in raising awareness around such important health issues both amongst our employees and the general population.”

Warid Telecom has also launched a service through which volunteers can register as a Voluntary Blood Donor on Warid’s Blood Bank Service by sending ‘BLOOD’ in an SMS to 2525. It enables users to search for required blood group in a particular city by matching it with a database of registered donors for that city.

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