Twitter-UselessA little birdie just told me you bought a new car, it also told me you’re throwing a party for it! I must be invited right? Because you just posted it on twitter and I am one of your followers…

Imagine this happening to you. This and countless other stuff highlights how twitter can be a nuisance, reason: everyday our youth spends hours and hours tweeting about what they’re doing and for what? NOTHING!

tweetI love technology in all forms but I simply do not understand twitter. I was recommended to use it by a friend but I fail to comprehend how something so popular can be so pointless. Why any of your followers would want to know what you’re exercising or enjoying kebabs or going to the toilet? (I know someone who tweeted that).

In my opinion it’s a 140 character plea for attention. If you have 500 followers, it doesn’t mean that you have 500 friends. It doesn’t mean that 500 people are interested in knowing what you’re up to. Rather its just 140 lettered blank shots in cyber space.

Twitter might have been a great tool to socialize and keep updated about various stuff and people in the beginning. But these days it is laden with spam. Bots, which are accounts under control of a computer, which bombard spam links and advertisements to make some douche a few cents.

One can even buy accounts with thousands of followers for money these days. As for one carrying out actual conversations, replies to my greetings usually are “Do I noe u?” So, not only is twitter contributing to dumbing down society, its also murdering grammar in the process.

One thing I noted was that posts on twitter by an average user become less and less frequent with time. In fact, stats show that 6 in 10 users leave twitter after the first month. So is it sustainable in the long term? I don’t think so.

However one can argue that it’s simply a tool, it is what you make of it. And that is pretty true. There is a big difference between using twitter to generate traffic or using it to make money on the internet or just to tweet.

Majority of users do not use it to make money, rather to post millisecond updates about their current activity. A recent study shows that the top 10% of prolific Twitter users accounted for over 90% of tweets.

So it’s rather a one way communication medium. In the end it all comes down to this, is your sense of self-importance so bloated that you feel the urge to update your followers with your current activity every few minutes? If your answer is yes, twitter is the place for you.

And if you still believe that all my arguments are invalid, take at look at the Public Timeline to see how many tweets are useful.

Note: This is intended to be a humorous take on twitter, keeping in mind the “over-tweeters”.

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