Reporters are never off-duty, and a reporter from Pakistan took his job to a whole new level by reporting at his own wedding. Hannan Bukhari of City 41 channel took his mic and camera to his own wedding to let the world know that journalists are always on duty.

Hannan interviewed his father and asked questions about what are his feelings on his son’s wedding.

He then moved to his newly-wed wife and she answered the questions of her husband-reporter.

The Reporting

Starting off the video, Hannan says that he is very happy about his love marriage. He said that he has been chasing the girl of his dreams for three to four years now and finally they are getting married. Hannan reported;

My family members and I are very happy today. Because it is a love marriage, my wife is happy, and so are her family members. My parents present here have gone to lengths and made arrangements to make this day come true

He then moved on further to record views of his father on the wedding. Hannan’s father says that he is very happy to make all the wedding arrangements and he thanks God for blessing them with all the happiness and ability to fulfill his son’s dreams.


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Hannan then took the mic to his wife and asked how she feels about everything. His wife says that she is very happy and she hopes that Hannan will continue making her happy by fulfilling her dreams. Hannan also took advantage of the moment to let his wife know how he brought sports cars and bikes to make the event special and memorable for her.

You can watch the video below;

The reporter also created a buzz on Twitter, video of him reporting on his own wedding went viral and people were quick to show off their reactions. Here is how some of them reacted to the stunt;

Of course it is funny.

Naya Chaand Nawab?

Got to cover all aspects of the story.

Because always on duty!

The reporter became a sensation across the border as well;

What do you think about the reporting? let us know in the comments.

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