Swat region is home to numerous beautiful valleys with scenic views including the mighty river Swat passing through the meadows of Fizaghat and the snow covered mountains of Malam Jabba.

Malam Jabba

Malam Jabba used to be the only active ski-resort in the country but now there are some other options too. However, easy accessibility of Malam Jabba makes it a better option.

Malam Jabba
Skiing at almost 10,000 ft above sea level could be one of the biggest adventures of your life.

malam jabba skiing resort
Malam Jabba’s skiing site is located some 300kms north of Islamabad and a ‘Snow Skiing Festival’ is arranged annually under the supervision of Pak Army.

malam jabba skiing resort
The festival isn’t all about Skiing though!

Swat Summer festival

If you aren’t into skiing, you still can enjoy the view from Malam Jabba’s iconic chairlift.

Chair lift Malam Jabba

Even foreigners love to visit Malam Jabba!

Malam Jabba

And why not? Just look at this Swat/Switzerland comparison picture and you’ll come to know of the standard of its beauty.

swat vs switzerland

Malam Jabba can be home to the 4×4 adventure groups too!

Source: Pakistan Tour n Travel

Well, we have got the ideal location to serve the tourists but are we doing justice to these huge natural assets?

Why blame the government when we ourselves aren’t paying heed towards cleanliness?

Source: Dawn

We don’t need to erect huge sky-scrappers here, rather the government only needs to look after the maintenance for which the tourists are regularly charged. People visiting the valley should also be warned about throwing garbage on the roads and streets too.

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