A reportedly fake letter, allegedly from Chief Minister Punjab Secretariat, is making rounds over internet, which directs various Punjab government departments to subscribe to Shahbaz Sharif’s official twitter and Facebook pages.

This letter also directs the Punjab government officials to immediately unsubscribe from Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf pages of Facebook.

When ProPakistani contacted Chief Minister Secretariat for verification, it said that letter is not only fake but those elements, who tried to malign Punjab Government, miserably failed to copy the original format of Chief Minister Secretariat letters.

Check below fake letter that asks Punjab Government officials to subscribe to Shahbaz Sharif’s Facebook and Twitter accounts:


Asad Ibrar, director co-ordination at Chief Minister Secretariat told me that this letter is fake. He explained that someone is tying to defame Punjab Government by faking official letters, which is criminal offense.

Mr. Asad maintained that original format of CM Secretariat letters is different than what is produced by opponents of his government.

Flaws in the letter:

According to Chief Minister Secretariat, the letter circulating over internet has following flaws:

  • Mr. Nadeem Hussain Asif is Principle Secretary to Chief Minister, unlike mentioned as secretary to Chief Minister
  • “Chief Minister Secretariat” on legitimate letters is written between letter reference number and date.
  • Official letters don’t contain phone and fax numbers.
  • Phone number mentioned for Mr. Nadeem Hussain Asif is not correct.
  • Legitimate official letters are addressed to one individual with possible copies to several persons, unlike in above fake letter.
  • A copy for CM secretariat isn’t sent when CM secretariat is itself writing the letter.

Chief Minister Secretariat has launched an inquiry to find out who had originated this fake letter. CM House said legal action could be taken against the culprits.

While Googling ProPakistani found two official letters of CM Secretariat as following:

14141 001



Letter head and letter format of Chief Minister Punjab is as following:


It is feared that more photoshopped letters are likely to surface as political parities are quickly embracing internet and computer technologies. However, they should keep in mind that technology is usually the most transparent form of transaction that humans do and that get caught easily.

It merits mentioning here that Express Tribune published a story on June 5th, (probably based on above given fake letter) alleging Punjab Government for directing its officials to subscribe to Shahbaz Sharif’s Twitter and Facebook pages.

Interestingly, this story has been removed now from ET website but a Google’s copy of cached page can be seen here.

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