For the better part of a month, the subcontinent has been facing a severe smog that shows no signs of dying down.

Various cities in Pakistan and India have been affected, with people being asked to stay indoors due to poor visibility, safety and health concerns.

Experts believe that much of the smog is due to the burning of crops in northern India (about 35 tons of crops that is).

The smog has intensified due to dust and air pollution from factories and vehicles as well.

In Lahore, the situation has gotten so worse that many schools in Punjab have shut down and changed their timings. Motorists are told to not drive in poor visibility as well.

The air is so bad that it is more than the equivalent of smoking 50 cigarettes a day.

In the pictures below (taken by NASA satellites), you can the level of air pollution in Pakistan and India in a clear way. The darker shades of brown color show the areas most severely hit by the smog.

How Does A Smog Happen?

In case you wanted to know how a smog is formed, Al-Jazeera has provided a helpful and easy to understand infographic that illustrates the whole process:

Via Al-Jazeera

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