When it comes to team work, Slack is one of the popular platforms for collaboration.

Typing is the common method of communication between online working teams on Slack. This involves messaging in channels, direct messages, and group DMs.

But sometimes the direct approach is often the best. And that is why Slack has finally introduced the much-requested Voice Call feature for its popular platform.

How Does it Work?

Slack carried out months of testing and now it has made the voice call available on all platforms (Web, Desktop and Mobile).

Once you update your Slack app to the latest version, you can call up your co-workers and enjoy a Skype-style call.

Here’s how it works:

  • Windows, Mac desktop app users and Google Chrome users can call people up via the Slack Voice Call phone icon in the upper right of the channel header.


  • If you use the iOS and Android Slack apps, you can make calls by tapping “Start a call” in the mobile app’s channel or via DM drop-down menu.


  • You can make one-on-one calls, and if you work in a team then you can make group calls in any channel or group DM. When a team member initiates a call, a message will appear and invite you to join the call.


Emoji Reactions Can Also Join in the Voice call

Emoji are awesome ways to express ourselves, especially when we are out of words at a particular instant.

Slack has included emoji support in the voice feature as well.

When you click on one of your pre-selected emoji, it will be displayed over your avatar for a moment along with a subtle sound.

These emoji allow you to express approval, disapproval, or raise your hand to ask a question ; all without interrupting the speaker.


With voice chat, will Slack be able to eat away some of Skype’s market share?

If you’re using Slack at your workplace, let us know how Slack’s voice call is working for you and how it has made your team work more effective and productive.

Image Credits: Slack Official


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