SensibleTickerSensibleTicker is a free application or let’s call it desktop gadget for getting latest news updates categorized by topics, latest products, bumper discounts and more right over your desktop. Looks like an interesting idea, especially when news items are latest and are of public interest. is a project by Syed Rehan, from Karachi Pakistan. The inspiration has been taken from News Tickers (slides) which we see on almost every television channel all the times. SensibleTicker is primarily aimed at Pakistani audience, with news and products are largely from local market.

As mentioned above, SensibleTicker is free for download, and very easy to use. Ticker can be settled down at the bottom, just above the task bar, which can be further minimized when you are not reading the feed.

Apparently business model of SensibleTicker looks fine, as far as it gets readership – because money will come from adverts, and product broadcast.

By the way, you can win prizes through lucky draw, if you enter your information while downloading the application.

Margin of Improvement:

  • You cannot add RSS feeds to SensibleTicker right now, however, if it allows you to add RSS feeds (which I am sure will be incorporated in upcoming versions), it can be a Feed Reader plus News feed application for masses
  • News items that are broadcasted by SensibleTicker should be very update – there should be a mechanism of voting the news items, so that less attractive news items go down the line automatically. This way, SensibleTicker team can also learn customers’ behavior as well.
  • Design of Application and website can be improved..

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