The new beta for Google Maps is out. Even though it does not feature anything big or mind blowing, there are a few improvements here and there.

It seems as though Google is bent on featuring the Timeline anywhere possible with Maps being the latest one to get the treatment. Other features include a dedicated share button and a redesigned blue dot menu.

The Share Button and Timeline

The share button has been moved around over the last few updates. In the last update it was hidden underneath an overflow menu on the top right corner. It was hard to access and most people didn’t know where to find it but now its right up there with the other buttons, easily viewable. Its a small change but an important one nonetheless.

Here are some screenshots for comparison (courtesy of Android Police):


Left: Previous update, Google Maps. Right: Current update with share button

Timeline can now be accessed easily by tapping on one of the destinations you visited. From there all you need to do is tap on the arrow next to the “lock” which will show you how many times you visited that place as well as a link to your timeline.

Here’s what it looks like:

Another way to access the timeline is to head over to “Your Places” screen and tap on the “Visited” tab. Previously, it only showed you the places you visit regularly. Now it also includes a link to the timeline of all your visits to a certain place.


Left: Your Places, last update Right: Your Places, current update

Keep in mind that the timeline cannot be accessed if you turn off location history.

New Blue Dot Menu

One last thing is the redesign of the blue dot menu. Previously, when you tapped the blue dot (your location marker) you were shown a menu with your current location, the places nearby and other links for calibrating your blue dot compass or for adding a new place.

The new menu is more simplified and shows just 3 options, places near you, blue dot callibration and report blue dot issues.

This isn’t that big of a change either but it makes the overall user experience better and reduces clutter.

Left: Blue dot menu before the update Right: Blue dot menu after the update

The new Google Maps features mentioned are available in the current beta version of the app only. However, it is not recommended to use the beta version of the app as your main app as it is susceptible to issues and bugs.

Download Google Maps Beta APK

Via Android Police

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