Producing technology, developing new products, new services and breakthrough ideas is definitely part of the innovation process but it can’t be of any use without coordinated marketing thrust. Somehow, there has been significant rhetoric around promoting and marketing Pakistani IT products and ITeS offerings but there has never been any news or information about how the region transforms to the global market environment and demands.

The model for which PSEB was created is slowly outdating itself as the global knowledge markets and innovation industries evolve into competing at a very different level of traditional understanding and consuming from regions in which Pakistan has hardly ever created a mark of its own. The world is not transforming through creation of new products only, instead, it is transforming through Business Model Innovations, the barest form of innovation by totally changing the business model of a company, an organization, a marketing or service offering and in some cases, national visions.

The torch bearer of this change is both the rapid globalization and transformation of the Internet with convergence leading the progress and traditional business models facing unprecedented challenges. Companies are no more guaranteed of incoming revenues solely by setting up basic IT services anymore thus creating the need for radical changes in business models has increased dramatically. If the industry is facing such rapid change, so is the need for change in organizations like PSEB that were established to market and facilitate marketing of the Pakistani IT industry globally.

At a regional level as ours, key evidence has been the lack of new trendsetters and examples in the Pakistani IT Industry after industry leaders mentioned on the PSEB website. This trend has trickled down into the private technology supporting funds where discouragement has been prevailing from top to bottom despite numerous claims and more knowledge workers expelled and discouraged in their ideas. Secondly, the younger members of the creative class are facing the greatest brain drain ever as developed world countries are draining more and more Pakistani resources to fulfill their demands of creating the innovative immigrant class to help them catapult out of the global economic recession.

In order to elaborate this argument, I would like to share the definition of innovation from from Wikipedia, (since it gathers, cites and authenticates its information from multiple sources):

The term innovation refers to a new way of doing something. It may refer to incremental, radical, and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations. A distinction is typically made between invention, an idea made manifest, and innovation, ideas applied successfully. (Mckeown 2008) In many fields, something new must be substantially different to be innovative, not an insignificant change, e.g., in the arts, economics, business and government policy.

In economics the change must increase value, customer value, or producer value. The goal of innovation is positive change, to make someone or something better. Innovation leading to increased productivity is the fundamental source of increasing wealth in an economy. Innovation is an important topic in the study of economics, business, design, technology, sociology, and engineering.

continued in part-2

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