These days  social networks (over internet and mobile phones) are getting popular amongst Pakistani youth. Few days back I got an invitation on my cellphone, someone asked me to join “PRING” – A social network for mobile phone users. As I became a part of it, I find it very useful, and here i am with its review.

What’s Pring?

Pring is a social network using the modern technologies, Internet and Mobile phones to connect you and your buddies; it lets you share what you’re upto with your friends via your cell phone or online in 140 characters or less.  I hope the following video will describe it more efficiently:

Who can Join and Whats the procedure?

Currently pring is running Open Beta Testing on Warid, Ufone and Zong.

You can signup here:

Once you are signed-up, you can use the service with text messages. , there are separate sms codes for each network for warid 9536, ufone 414 and Zong is 2323

During this open Beta, Pring is free, though this service supports a Twitter like internet account but you can use this service entirely via SMS.

You can register via SMS as well, here is the process

  • Try it, send HELLO to your respective code.
  • Pring will reply you with the following message: “Please register with Pring by replying with your name
  • On receiving this message you will have to reply with a valid username – Pring will then reply you with the following message: “Greetings user! Welcome to Pring. Sms HELP to get more information.
  • You can also join Pring by accepting invitation from an existing Pringer (say Aamir) e,g, Aamir writes “invite 03001234567” and sends it to 2323
  • You receive the invitation from Aamir: “Greetings! Aamir wants to follow your updates on Pring. To register, reply with your name.”
  • You will then have to reply with a valid username to start using Pring.
  • You can register with Pring by going to the “Sign Up” page and filling out the registration form. You will have to confirm your email address to complete the registration process. In addition to that, you will also have to provide the confirmation code being sent to you to your mobile number during the registration, to use the full features of the service.
  • You can use Pring online anywhere in the world. However, to use it via SMS, you need to have a cell phone in Pakistan.

Why should I use pring?

By using Pring you can stay connected with your friends, custom applications, premium services all via your handsets, Can get latest updates from your Twitter and Facebook accounts, Rss feeds, news about media, sports etc, Can follow other pringers, chat with other people using public prings, Pring’s philosophy is to enable everything via your handset in a way that don’t require internet. This works very well because many people still do not have internet connectivity but do have basic SMS and voice access. The service is free in this Open Beta, so why Don’t give it a try! Just Pring It!


  • For more information send Help to your respective code.
  • This service only works with Warid Ufone and Zong, until now
  • Please use your respective code for sending sms, otherwise it will not work and you will be charged.
  • For more info please visit
  • ProPakistani is not associated with Pring or e-Business. This article is just for reader’s knowledge.

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